“We all feel some form of deep longing…”

“We all feel some form of deep longing for a home we’ve either lost, or briefly glimpsed in some special moment, or have never known yet somehow remember.

We all, to some degree, and each in our own way, feel the ache and yearning for an unnamable wholeness—and we all respond uniquely to its wordless call.

My own yearning took the form of hunger for the wild embrace of the great elements and for a sense of truly belonging on, and to, the living earth.

I knew this elemental ground to be where I would find my true life—a life at once more real and more magical, more raw and more beautiful, than anything I perceived to be on offer to me in modernity.

But strangely, while I felt this aching hunger with every fibre of my animal body and synapse of my starlit mind, I also knew that what I was longing for was already right beneath my feet, as close to me as the breath in my lungs, as present as the blood in my veins.

For I am always already home.

I am made of the living earth itself, perpetually held in the wild embrace of land and sky and dancing stardust atoms, animated by the same self-willed pulse that originated our vast expanding universe.

There is no part of me that is, or can ever be, separate from the primordial matrix of being.

And yet, alongside this knowing, there persisted a gaping existential distance between my own subjective experience and the sense of deep belonging I sought…”


“We were nearly at her hut…”


“There’s no tidy flower garden here…”